Turf Tips: Spring Football Survival Guide

Are rescheduled seasons forcing your warm season grasses to be game ready despite winter/cooler conditions?
If your fall sports were pushed to the spring, here are some survival tips to help your warm season natural grass fields withstand the elements and heavy traffic.
Soil Testing:
Soil testing ensures that we are maintaining nutrients at the right levels and proportions for ample growth and health. Prep your field for spring use by creating a fertilizer plan and adjust PH levels if needed.
Things to keep in mind: Avoid pushing Bermudagrass with too much fertilizer. This could create other issues later into the season. Put together a well balanced plan based on your soil test results. When applicable, utilize quick release nitrogen for Bermuda fields.
Read on for a more in depth look at soil testing: Turf Tips: Soil Testing
Wait for Greenup:
Before performing cultivation practices look for ample Bermuda greenup. By remaining patient and avoiding aeration and topdressing before greenup, you’ll protect your field from cold damage and weed invasion.
100 Days Competition Free:
Tread lightly when managing warm season fields under cooler conditions. Timing is essential, which is why it’s recommended to give your Bermuda 100 days of competition free growing by removing over seeded grass. *Check your suppliers recommendations based on location.
Weed Control:
Before applying weed control in the early spring, be sure your Bermuda is completely dormant.
Utilize Growth Covers:
We typically use growth covers over the winter months to help aid in offseason recovery. With spring seasons in play, utilize growth covers in between games to protect turf from frost and early spring harshness. Remove covers only after five consistent days of warmth, and keep them on hand in case of late seasonal frost.
More on Growth Covers: Turf Tips: How to Utilize Growth Covers for In-Season Repair
More Spring Survival Tips
- Avoid mowing waterlogged fields to prevent ruts and damage.
- Combat high traffic surfaces by rotating your field.
- Where high traffic wear created low spots, fill in with sand or soil to combat puddles or ruts.
- Seed or sod areas of the field that did not survive the winter.
Painting for spring football? Find more tips here: Turf Tips: Painting in Cooler Temps and Delayed Seasons