OG Women in Turf Panel Discussion
Celebrating International Women's Month with OG members of the Women in Turf Team. Kelly Lynch moderates a conversation about breaking the grass ceiling and where the Women in Turf Team is headed in this special edition LIVE SFMA episode.
Here's what you'll hear in this week's Groundskeeper Chat:
- The Women in Turf Team Origin Story
- How they've brought the movement to the sports turf industry
- Kelly asks each panelist, what makes you brave?
- Lastly, where the movement is headed and how you can support/get involved
Visit the http://www.womeninturfgrass.com website for more information!
A little bit more about our guest:
Moderator Kelly Lynch is the Regional Manager for Pure Seed and PGA Golf Professional. Kelly is joined by SFMA President Sun Roesslein, CSFM. Sun is the Stadium Manager for Jeffco Athletics in Colorado alongside Christ Clay, CSFM. Nina Oldenkamp is the Vice President of Odeys, the field construction company. Lastly, Crystal Fricker is the President of Pure Seed, world leader in grass seed research and production. These powerful and inspiring women represent the foundation of women in turf in both the golf and sports turf industries.