Making Headlines: Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass
We’ve seen varieties of Bermuda have success in transition zones for years, and now there’s a new kid on the block, Tahoma 31.

Cold tolerant bermudagrasses have been making a name for themselves for the last decade.
Not only can they thrive in the harsh, humid temperatures of summer, the grass variety is extending growing seasons across the map. Cold tolerant bermudagrasses have the ability to continue growing as temperatures drop while simultaneously thriving in hot, humid conditions. With the additional benefit of quick recovery and increased drought resistance bermudagrass fields can still look great after heavy wear and tear.
We’ve seen varieties of bermudagrass have success in transition zones for years, including Latitude 36 and Northbridge, and now there’s a new kid on the block, Tahoma 31. This new variety has been making headlines as it’s being installed in more and more stadiums across the nation. Is the hype and excitement justified? For fields located in the transition zone Tahoma 31 could be a game changer. The newest variety of bermudagrass has been designed to extend the growing season for regions that struggle with growth in late fall and early spring because of cold temperatures.
Tahoma 31 was developed by turfgrass breeders at Oklahoma State University and, according to their research, it ranked first in spring green-up and winter survivability. With its ability to extended into the fall sports season, fields will remain safe and playable well into football playoffs. The same can be said for baseball diamonds that are played on before temperatures are warm enough to promote typical growth. Tahoma 31 will combat both tricky seasons because of its winter hardiness, wear tolerance and drought resistance.
Even if you’re not located in the transition zone, Tahoma 31 performed well in 19 locations across the United States during trials. This variety is said to be highly adaptable to different climates and soils.1 For more industry news and turf tips, follow along with our commentary on Twitter and Facebook!
Editor’s Note: This article is for awareness and educational purposes only. This is not a product endorsement. As always, we recommend readers always conduct their own independent analysis before making any purchasing decisions.
1. Tahoma 31. Retrieved from