Texas A&M's Chase Straw joins us for his second Groundskeeper Chat appearance to talk about his department's performance testing research and the role performance testing will play in a turfgrass manager's role going forward.

Here's what you'll hear Chase talk about in this week's Groundskeeper Chat!

  • How turfgrass managers can utilize testing data points to help advocate for their role and necessities on the job.
  • Performance testing technology, equipment and where to get started.
  • The future of performance testing and the role it will play in our everyday jobs.
  • Lastly, Chase gives us insight into the next generation of turfgrass managers and the important role of adopting tech in our future.

A little bit more about our guest:

Chase Straw is an assistant professor and researcher with Texas A&M's department of soil and crop sciences with a speciality in turfgrass sciences. In addition to overseeing undergrad research, Chase teaches various turfgrass management courses at Texas A&M. Chase is passionate about research and inspiring the next generation to choose careers in our industry.

To hear more from Chase check out his other Groundskeeper Chat episode!

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