Andy Hebrard, owner and operator of Athletic Applications joined Meg, Weston and Chris in Daytona Beach to talk about the building blocks of branding and running your own turf business. Andy's was born and bred into the turf industry and follows in the footsteps of his father, Mike Hebrard. Today, Athletic Applications provides top-notch football, soccer, baseball and painting services to the PDX, LAX, PHX, LAS areas.

Here's what you'll hear in this week's Groundskeeper Chat:

  • The opening of the 2024 SFMA conference
  • Andy's unique turf origin story 
  • Andy's passion for parks & recreation, and high school athletics. 
  • How Athletic Applications has grown over the years 
  • Lastly, what Andy looks for when adding members to his crew 

A little bit more about our guest:

Andy Hebrard founded Athletic Applications over a decade ago and spent time on the crews of the Washington Redskins and Los Angeles Dodgers. Andy is proud to be one of the The West Coast's premier lines, logos, & Field Management services and to work with connections he began creating over 20 years ago. 

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