2024 Pioneers in the Field class member Abby McNeal joined us at the booth in Daytona Beach to reflect on the recent honor. Abby shared with us how humbled she was to take the time to look back on her career and all those who helped her along the way.

Here's what you'll hear in this week's Groundskeeper Chat:

  • The importance of networking and creating a community
  • Why Parks and Rec is so special to Abby 
  • The welcoming nature of our industry 
  • What Abby looks for when hiring 
  • Lastly, what has Abby excited for the future of sports turf

A little bit more about our guest:

Abby McNeal is the Parks Superintendent for the City of Louisville, Colorado. Abby's successful career in the sports turf industry has spanned across decades and places, including the NFL, College and everywhere in between. Read Abby's full Pioneers in the Field story here.

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