Branding 101: Groundskeeper Chat with Andy Hebrard
Andy Hebrard brings a different perspective to our Branding 101 campaign as an owner of his own business in the turf industry. Andy gives us insight on how he brands his social accounts to represent his business with the perfect blend of professionalism and personality. Whether you're a crew leader or vendor, Andy's takeaways are applicable for all.
Here's what you'll hear in this week's Groundskeeper Chat:
- The importance of authenticity in branding
- How to utilize different resources/teachings to find the right practices for you
- The importance of delivering on what you say you're going to do
- How branding can impact your reach as a groundskeeper and business owner
- Lastly, the importance of visibility for Athletic Applications
A little bit more about our guest:
Andy Hebrard is the owner and operator of Athletic Applications in Phoenix, Arizona but their services reach far across the west coast. Andy is a born and bred turfie, as his father has made a living in the industry and brought his son along from the beginning. On Twitter as @linesandlogos, Andy documents what a day in the life of a business owner in the turf industry looks like, whether it's painting for a Friday Night game or helping install a new baseball field.
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